A global leading biotech company in mRNA technologies equipped with a full spectrum of proprietary R&D platform
ENO Bio is a global leader in mRNA technologies equipped with a full spectrum of proprietary technology platform and equipment for core raw materials and excipients. We have gathered a wo...
Shenzhen Safety Enterprises Limited was established in 1998. The company is mainly engaged in the design, production and domestic and foreign sales of labor protection products based on safety shoes.
Shenzhen Safety Enterprises Limited provides design, production and sales of safety protection sh...
Shenzhen Ntmer Technology Co., Ltd. was established on December 18, 2020. The company's headquarters and branches are in Shenzhen Nanshan District Science and Technology Park, Futian District Shenzhen International Innovation Center, and Beijing. On February 16, 2022, it received an exclusive ...
上海电气集团股份有限公司(Shanghai Electric Group Company Limited),简称上海电气,是中国机械工业销售排名第一位的装备制造集团。公司前身为上海电气集团有限公司。经有限公司2004年9月8日召开的第五次股东会决议同意,并经上海市人民政府(沪府发改审[2004]第008)《关于同意设立上海电气集团股份有限公司的批复》批准,由有限公司全...
深圳是一个前沿城市,这里有无以计数的外贸型公司,他们推动这个带领中国经济发展三驾马车中的出口。RICH BROOK COMPANY LIMITED公司座落在中国深圳,作为全球业务的窗口中起着重要的作用,是一个公司,是一家专业从事手机及数码产品出口。
RICH BROOK COMPANY LIMITED有一个专业的,高素质的人才队伍,在销售电子产品,严格的企...